A Concise Atlas of Thyroid Cancer Next-Generation Sequencing Panel ThyroSeq v.2

Mol Imaging Radionucl Ther. 2017 Feb 9;26(Suppl 1):102-117. doi: 10.4274/2017.26.suppl.12.


The next-generation sequencing technology allows high out-put genomic analysis. An innovative assay in thyroid cancer, ThyroSeq® was developed for targeted mutation detection by next generation sequencing technology in fine needle aspiration and tissue samples. ThyroSeq v.2 next generation sequencing panel offers simultaneous sequencing and detection in >1000 hotspots of 14 thyroid cancer-related genes and for 42 types of gene fusions known to occur in thyroid cancer. ThyroSeq is being increasingly used to further narrow the indeterminate category defined by cytology for thyroid nodules. From a surgical perspective, genomic profiling also provides prognostic and predictive information and closely relates to determination of surgical strategy. Both the genomic analysis technology and the informatics for the cancer genome data base are rapidly developing. In this paper, we have gathered existing information on the thyroid cancer-related genes involved in the initiation and progression of thyroid cancer. Our goal is to assemble a glossary for the current ThyroSeq genomic panel that can help elucidate the role genomics play in thyroid cancer oncogenesis.

Tiroid nodüllerinde kanser teşhisi ve tiroid kanserlerinin prognostik değerlendirilmesi için geliştirilmiş en güncel yöntem DNA dizinleme teknolojisine dayalı ThyroSeq® testidir. Bu test ince iğne aspirasyon materyalinde genetik profilleme yaparak tiroid kanserinin tetiklenmesinde ve gelişmesinde rol alan mutasyon ve genetik değişiklikleri tespit etmektedir. Bu makalede bu test ile tespit edilebilen genetik değişikliklere konu olan genlerin yapı ve fonksiyonlarını kısaca tanımlıyoruz. Tiroid kanseri onkogenezine bir ölçüde ışık tutan bu test için sözlük görevi tutan bir makale sunulmaktadır.