The superior laryngeal artery is the principal artery supplying the laryngeal mucosa, musculature, and glands. Knowledge of variations in the origin of superior laryngeal artery could prove to be very useful during reconstructive surgeries of the larynx, partial laryngectomy, laryngeal transplantation, and also during procedures like super-selective intra-arterial chemotherapy for laryngeal and hypolaryngeal cancers. However, relatively few studies have been done on the superior laryngeal artery in comparison to its clinical importance. The present study was aimed at documenting the prevalence of variable origin of the superior laryngeal artery within the carotid triangle. Sixty hemi-necks obtained from 30 South Indian cadavers were dissected and studied for variations in the origin of superior laryngeal artery. It was observed that the superior laryngeal artery took origin from superior thyroid in 91.7% cases. Variable origin from the external carotid artery was noted in 5% cases. The superior laryngeal artery was found to arise from the lingual artery in one case alone (1.7%). In addition to the above findings, a very rare variation of superior laryngeal artery arising from the ascending pharyngeal (1.7%) was also observed in the hemi-neck of one cadaver. All the variations that were observed were unilateral and on the left side. These findings may help provide further insight to the anatomists, radiologists and surgeons and can help improve performances during surgical manipulations of the larynx.
Keywords: Laryngeal surgery; Larynx; Superior laryngeal artery; Superior thyroid artery.