Core/shell nanostructures based on silica, fluorescent ZnO quantum dots (QDs) and superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared and fully characterized by the combination of different techniques and the physical properties of the nanostructures were studied. We demonstrate the efficiency of the atom transfer radical polymerization with activators regenerated by electron transfer process to graft (co-)polymers of different structures and polarity at the surface of metal oxide NPs. The influence of the polymer chain configuration on the optical properties of the ZnO/polymer core/shell QDs was enlightened. Concerning the magnetic properties of the Fe3O4/polymer nanostructures, only the amount of the grafted polymer plays a role on the saturation magnetization of the NPs and no influence of the aggregation was evidenced. The simple and fast process described in this work is efficient for the grafting of copolymers from surfaces and the derived NPs display the combination of the physical properties of the core and the macromolecular behavior of the shell.