Due to new research results in the past few years, interest in the fascia of the human body has increased. Dysfunctions of the fascia are indicated by various symptoms, amongst others, musculoskeletal pain. As a result stronger focus has been put on researching therapeutic approaches in this area. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Foam Roll exercises on the mobility of the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF). Study has been conducted in a randomized and controlled trial which sampled 38 healthy athletic active men and women. The subjects were randomly assigned to a Foam Roll Group (FMG), a Placebo Group (PG) and a Control Group (CG). Depending on the assigned group the volunteers were either instructed to do exercises with the Foam Roll, received a pseudo treatment with the Foam Roll or received no treatment. A total of three measurements were carried out. The most important field of research was the mobility of the TLF, which was determined using a sonographic assessment. In addition the lumbar flexion and the mechanosensivity of relevant muscles were determined. After the intervention, the FMG showed an average increase of 1.7915 mm for the mobility of the TLF (p < 0.001/d = 0.756). In contrast, only an average improvement of 0.1681 mm (p = 0.397) was shown in the PG, while the CG showed a slight improvement of 0.0139 mm (p = 0.861). However, no significant changes were observed with regard to the lumbar flexion and mechanosensivity of the treated muscles. Thus, evidence is that the use of Foam Roll exercises significantly improves the mobility of the thoracolumbar fascia in a healthy young population.
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