Background: Socioeconomic status (SES) is a major determinant of health inequality in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of SES of family and living region with self-rated health (SRH) and life satisfaction (LS) among children and adolescents. Methods: This study was a part of the fourth survey of a national surveillance program, which was conducted in 30 provinces of Iran in 2011-2012. LS and SRH were assessed by a questionnaire based on the World Health Organization-Global School-based student Health Survey (WHO-GSHS). Family SES was estimated using principal component analysis (PCA) and based on family assets, parental education and occupation, and type of school. Region SES was calculated using PCA and some variables including literacy rate, family assets and employment rate. Results: Out of 14,880 invited students, 13,486 (participation rate: 90.6%) completed the survey; of whom, 49.2% were girls, and 75.6% were from urban areas with the mean ± SD age of 12.47±3.36 years. In the multivariate model, SES of family and living region was associated with LS and good SRH. In the full models, in addition to all potential confounders, family and living region SES were included simultaneously. However, only the association of family SES with LS, and good SRH remained statistically significant. Conclusion: The effect of families' SES on SRH and LS is more important than regional SES. The presented patterns of SRH and LS may be useful in developing better health policies and conducting complementary studies in this field.
Keywords: Adolescents; Children; General Health; Life Satisfaction; Socioeconomic Status.