Like other fibrotic diseases, the cause of Peyronie's disease (PD) is still obscure. Since there is now increasing evidence for the role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) as potential treatment to fibrosis, it is crucial to determine their possible efficacy in the treatment of PD. Areas covered: In this review, the authors summarize the emerging data and published studies regarding the use of SCs for the treatment of PD. The authors provide particular focus on the three-first experimental studies for the use of SCs in rat models as well as the sole two studies undertaken in humans. Expert opinion: It seems evident in experimental settings that SCs in general (Adipose Derived SCs in particular) provide a feasible, safe and effective therapy for PD. The potential limits of the rat models used initially have been somewhat overcome with the inception of studies in men. However, further prospective studies are needed in humans to further elucidate the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapy in PD.
Keywords: Peyronie’s; adipose-derived; mesenchymal cells; regenerative medicine; stem cell.