Airway complications following lung transplantation result in considerable morbidity and are associated with a mortality of 2% to 4%. The incidence of lethal and nonlethal airway complications has decreased since the early experiences with double- and single-lung transplantation. The most common risk factor associated with post-lung transplantation airway complications is anastomotic ischemia. Airway complications include the development of exophytic granulation tissue, bronchial stenosis, bronchomalacia, airway fistula, endobronchial infection, and anastomotic dehiscence. The broadening array of bronchoscopic therapies has enhanced treatment options for lung transplant recipients with airway complications. This article reviews the risk factors, clinical manifestations, and treatments of airway complications following lung transplantation and provides our expert opinion when evidence is lacking.
Keywords: airway complications; bronchoscopy; lung transplantation.
Copyright © 2017 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.