Introduction: Biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology have been developed that focus on various levels of brain organization. However, no robust biomarker of large-scale network failure has been developed. Using the recently introduced cascading network failure model of AD, we developed the network failure quotient (NFQ) as a biomarker of this process.
Methods: We developed and optimized the NFQ using our recently published analyses of task-free functional magnetic resonance imaging data in clinically normal (n = 43) and AD dementia participants (n = 28) from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. The optimized NFQ (oNFQ) was then validated in a cohort spanning the AD spectrum from the Mayo Clinic (n = 218).
Results: The oNFQ (d = 1.25, 95% confidence interval [1.25, 1.26]) had the highest effect size for differentiating persons with AD dementia from clinically normal participants. The oNFQ measure performed similarly well on the validation Mayo Clinic sample (d = 1.44, 95% confidence interval [1.43, 1.44]). The oNFQ was also associated with other available key biomarkers in the Mayo cohort.
Discussion: This study demonstrates a measure of functional connectivity, based on a cascading network failure model of AD, and was highly successful in identifying AD dementia. A robust biomarker of the large-scale effects of AD pathophysiology will allow for richer descriptions of the disease process and its modifiers, but is not currently suitable for discriminating clinical diagnostic categories. The large-scale network level may be one of the earliest manifestations of AD, making this an attractive target for continued biomarker development to be used in prevention trials.
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; Biomarker; Cascading network failure; Connectivity; Default mode network.