Ants benefit from attending facultatively myrmecophilous Lycaenidae caterpillars: evidence from a survival study

Oecologia. 1995 Nov;104(3):316-322. doi: 10.1007/BF00328367.


Workers of three ant species (Lasius niger, Lasius flavus, Myrmica rubra) were caged in the laboratory together with caterpillars and pupae of five species of lycaenid butterflies. Mortality of ants was 3-5 times higher when the ants were confined with larvae lacking a dorsal nectar organ (Lycaena phlaeas, Lycaena tityrus) rather than with caterpillars which possess a nectar gland (Aricia agestis, Polyommatus bellargus, P. icarus). For all five species, ant survival was always lower at the pupal stage (where a nectar organ is always absent) than at the caterpillar stage and was largely equivalent for the butterfly species tested. The experimental data confirm earlier estimates that ants can derive nutritive benefits from tending facultatively myrmecophilous lycaenid caterpillars, even though these caterpillars produce nectarlike secretions at low rates.

Keywords: Ants; Butterflies; Mutualism; Myrmecophily.