Size and sex allocation in monoecious woody plants

Oecologia. 1993 May;94(1):110-113. doi: 10.1007/BF00317310.


The female size advantage hypothesis predicts that the allocation ratio of female: male reproductive effort should increase with plant size (total reproductive effort). A male height advantage hypothesis has also been proposed, based on the supposed greater advantage of height to male reproductive success in wind-pollinated plants. These ideas were tested with data for wind-pollinated, monoecious trees and shrubs which exhibit a suitably large range of sizes. Number of male inflorescences increased faster with size than did number of female inflorescences in 2 of 9 species; in the remaining 7 species there was no significant difference. The male:female ratio of inflorescence numbers increased with height in 4 of 7 species and did not change significantly in the remaining 3 species, as shown by regression. Height and size are highly correlated and so their effects could not be distinguished. The fact that many conifers place the female cones uppermost in the crown suggests that size and not height favors increased allocation to male function, as does well-established theory connecting the existence of male versus female size advantage to pollen and seed dispersal chacteristics. Regression analysis of the relation between male and female reproductive effort should be done by reduced major axis regression; ordinary least squares regression underestimates slopes; in this study opposite conclusions could be drawn from ordinary least squares and reduced major axis regressions.

Keywords: Alnus; Anemophily; Betula; Flowering; Gender allocation.