The present article provides a deep and more focused look at the utility, meaning, processes, and power involved in a specific, family-level, sacred practice or ritual from Judaism: Shabbat (Sabbath). Content analysis of in-depth interviews with 30 diverse, marriage-based Jewish families living in the United States (N = 77 individuals) yielded three emergent themes: (a) "Shabbat brings us closer together"; (b) How Shabbat brings the family together; and (c) The Power of Blessing the Children. These themes will be discussed respectively, along with related verbatim data from participants' in-depth qualitative interviews.
Keywords: sabbat; Judaism; Qualitative; Religion; Ritual; Shabbat; Spirituality; cualitativo; espiritualidad; judaísmo; religión; ritual; 仪式; 安息日; 宗教; 定性的; 犹太教; 精神性.
© 2017 Family Process Institute.