Visceral larvae as a predictive index of the overall level of fish batch infection in European anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus): A rapid procedure for Food Business Operators to assess marketability

Int J Food Microbiol. 2017 Jun 5:250:12-18. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2017.03.011. Epub 2017 Mar 21.


The European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), one of the most important pelagic fish resources in the Mediterranean Sea, is frequently infected by anisakid larvae. Food Business Operators (FBOs) should use appropriate sampling plans and analytical methods to avoid commercialization of massively infected batches and reduce the risk of transmission of viable zoonotic larvae. In this study, performed at FishLab (Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa) during 2016, an official sampling plan was associated with a digestion protocol for the inspection of anchovies. Considering that anisakid larvae are usually located in the fish visceral cavity and in the adjacent muscles (VM), this part was analyzed. In particular, we assessed the reliability of the digestion of a subsample of 150g (±30g) of VM, randomly collected from 29 specimens, in estimating the marketability of the anchovies' batch. Fifty-seven samples of 29 anchovies were collected. Each anchovy was sectioned to separate VM. All the subsamples were digested, and visible larvae counted. A high correlation between the number of larvae in VM regions and in the total batch was observed, indicating a very significant contribution of the VM region on total number of parasites. The Mean Abundance (MA) was used to assess the batch marketability according to a threshold calculated on the basis of the maximum number of nematodes tolerated per sample. Considering that the MA can be calculated only when the number of examined specimens is known, the number of visible Larvae per gram of tissue (LpG) was calculated on 150g (±30g) of VM subsamples. A LpG marketability threshold was calculated dividing the maximum number of tolerated nematodes by the average weight of a sample of 29 anchovies calculated considering data available in literature. To evaluate the diagnostic performance of the LpG threshold, the marketability of 57 batches assessed on the basis of the MA threshold was assumed as the gold standard. The proposed LpG showed very high Specificity and Sensitivity. These findings suggest that the analysis of VM is representative of the overall infestation of the batch, both when considering the absolute number of parasites and the LpG, and may represent a valid alternative to the whole anchovy digestion. In particular, the use of an automated digestive method, coupled with the aforesaid sampling plan, could allow the procedure to be used by FBOs in operational conditions.

Keywords: Digestion procedure; Larvae per gram; Marketability; Self-monitoring plan; Visible nematode larvae.

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Anisakiasis / parasitology
  • Anisakiasis / prevention & control*
  • Anisakiasis / transmission
  • Anisakis / isolation & purification*
  • Fishes / parasitology*
  • Food
  • Food Handling / methods
  • Food Parasitology / methods*
  • Larva / growth & development*
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Muscles / parasitology
  • Reproducibility of Results
  • Viscera / parasitology