Many eukaryotic cells grow by extending their cell periphery in pulses. The molecular mechanisms underlying this process are not yet fully understood. Here we present a comprehensive model of stepwise cell extension by using the unique tip growth system of filamentous fungi. Live-cell imaging analysis, including superresolution microscopy, revealed that the fungus Aspergillus nidulans extends the hyphal tip in an oscillatory manner. The amount of F-actin and secretory vesicles (SV) accumulating at the hyphal tip oscillated with a positive temporal correlation, whereas vesicle amounts were negatively correlated to the growth rate. The intracellular Ca2+ level also pulsed with a positive temporal correlation to the amount of F-actin and SV at the hyphal tip. Two Ca2+ channels, MidA and CchA, were needed for proper tip growth and the oscillations of actin polymerization, exocytosis, and the growth rate. The data indicate a model in which transient Ca2+ pluses cause depolymerization of F-actin at the cortex and promote SV fusion with the plasma membrane, thereby extending the cell tip. Over time, Ca2+ diffuses away and F-actin and SV accumulate again at the hyphal tip. Our data provide evidence that temporally controlled actin polymerization and exocytosis are coordinated by pulsed Ca2+ influx, resulting in stepwise cell extension.
Keywords: Aspergillus; actin; calcium; filamentous fungi; oscillation.