Background: To study the impact of videolaryngoscopy (VL) on intubation success among pediatric trainees compared with direct laryngoscopy (DL).
Methods: One hundred pediatric residents were enrolled in a randomized, crossover, simulation study comparing VL to DL. Following a didactic session on neonatal intubation, residents intubated a standard neonatal mannequin. Three Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) scenarios were then conducted, followed by a mannequin intubation with the alternate device. Number of attempts and time to intubation were recorded for all intubations.
Results: Proportion of successful intubations on first attempt was greater with VL compared with DL (88% versus 63%; P=0.008). The DL group increased success after crossover with VL (63% versus 89%; P=0.008). Exposure to VL also reduced intubation time after device crossover (median intubation time: 31 versus 17 s; P=0.048).
Conclusions: VL increased the success of endotracheal intubation by pediatric residents in simulation, with skills transferrable to DL.