Omega-3-fatty acids are increasingly used by the selfmedicating patient. Since fish oils in capsules are regarded as dietary food, there are neither official regulations in the Federal Republic of Germany concerning a minimum content of omega-3-fatty acids nor detailed rules for the limitation of autoxidation of these highly reactive substances. Both fatty acid composition and the degree of lipid peroxidation were measured in this study in 23 OTC fish oil preparations. The proportion of omega-3-fatty acids was in most fish oils about 30%; exceptions were the only ethyl ester among the preparations with 59% and the cod liver oils (13% to 22%). Regarding the peroxide value considerable differences were found: the lowest was 2 and the highest was 44.7. Since lipid peroxides and their degradation products are basically toxic, a limitation of the allowed degree of lipid peroxidation in fish oils is strongly recommended.