Background: A canine-specific immunoturbidimetric CRP assay, Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay) with species-specific controls and calibrators was introduced and recently evaluated on the clinical chemistry analyzer Abbott Architect c4000 as well as on the Olympus AU600. Aims of our study were 1) to independently evaluate the canine-specific CRP assay on the ABX Pentra 400 clinical chemistry analyzer in comparison to the previously validated human-based immunoturbidimetric assay (Randox Canine CRP assay) and 2) to assess the impact of different sample types (serum versus heparinized plasma) on the results. Imprecision, accuracy, interference and the prozone effect were determined using samples from healthy and diseased dogs (n = 278). The Randox Canine CRP assay calibrated with canine specific control calibration material served as a reference method. Additionally, the impact of the sample type (serum and lithium heparin) was evaluated based on samples of healthy and diseased dogs (n = 49) in a second part of the study.
Results: Linearity was present for CRP concentrations ranging from 4 to 281 mg/l. For clinically relevant CRP concentrations of 7-281 mg/l, recovery ranged between 90 and 105% and intra- and inter-assay CVs ranged between 0.68% - 12.12% and 0.88% - 7.84%, respectively. CV was thus lower than 12.16%, i.e. the desired CV% based on biological variation. Interference was not present up to a concentration of 5 g/l hemoglobin, 800 mg/l bilirubin and 10 g/l triglycerides. No prozone effect occurred up to 676 mg/l CRP. Method comparison study revealed a Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of rs = 0.98 and a mean constant bias of 5.2%. The sample type had a significant (P = 0.008) but clinically not relevant impact on the results (median CRP of 30.9 mg/l in lithium heparin plasma versus 31.4 mg/l in serum).
Conclusions: The species-specific Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay reliably detects canine CRP on the ABX Pentra 400 clinical chemistry analyzer whereby both serum and heparin plasma can be used. The quality criteria reached on the Abbott Architect c4000 and Olympus AU600 could be met.
Keywords: Acute phase protein; Analyzer; Canine; Heparin plasma; Interference; Linearity; Method validation; Repeatability; Total allowable error.