Background: Medical compression therapy is widely used to treat phlebologic diseases. Compression bandages as well as compression stockings are used. Compression has been identified to be an effective conservative therapy for the healing of venous ulcers and other indications. Thus, the evidence for the use of medical compression therapy and for which indications is presented.
Materials and methods: Review and systematic presentation of the evidence-based use of compression. The current literature, guidelines, and consensus statements were searched and the indications for compression therapy are presented.
Results: There is a high level of evidence that compression therapy is effective to heal venous ulcers and to prevent recurrent ulcers. The use of compression bandages and hosiery after interventional and surgical procedures for varicose veins is based on experience but not on randomized controlled trials. According to clinical experience, the healing of inflammatory skin diseases (e.g., erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, necrobiosis lipoidica, cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis, and psoriasis of the extremities) is supported by compression therapy. Compression therapy in patients suffering from venous ulcers is highly recommended.
Keywords: Chronic venous insufficiency; Compression therapy; Evidence; Surgery of varicose veins; Venous ulcer.