Background: Platelet refractoriness or lack of platelet increase after platelet transfusion is seen in patients receiving chronic platelet transfusion support. Antibodies may develop against human platelet antigens (HPA) and/or against HLA class I antigens. Crossmatch (XM) compatible platelets or HLA-identical or HLA-compatible platelets are typically used to manage transfusion refractoriness. We aimed to determine if percent calculated Panel Reactive Antibody (% cPRA) against class I HLA antigens could predict percent positive platelet XM when looking for compatible transfusion products.
Methods: A retrospective review of all platelet XM performed at our institution between 2008-2012 was performed, and patient characteristics recorded. For each patient, the percentage of all positive platelet XM performed was calculated and compared with the corresponding % cPRA levels against class I HLA antigens.
Results: Mean and median % positive platelet XM for all 50 patients tested in the period 2008-2012 were 61% and 60% (range 0-100%), respectively. Mean and median % cPRA levels were 66% and 68% (range 0-100%), respectively. No correlation was seen between age, sex, race, or diagnosis and positive platelet XM results.
Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that the % cPRA correlates well with the % positive platelet XM. Thus, a higher % cPRA alerts the blood bank that additional platelets will be required for XM and/or that it would be beneficial to request HLA-identical or compatible units.
© 2017 by the Association of Clinical Scientists, Inc.