Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus Labill. (Tasmanian Blue Gum), native to southeast Australia, is a benchmark species for the pulp and paper industry. We genotyped 397 trees from 16 populations of E. globulus representing the native diversity in Australia using 24 microsatellite loci. Eight genetically distinct groups were detected, consistent with genetic groupings detected in previous quantitative and molecular studies. A sample of 29 Portuguese individuals was added to help clarify the origin of the Portuguese landrace. The results suggest a southern and eastern Tasmania origin for the Portuguese landrace. This genetic framework will enable researchers to investigate the provenance of individuals of unknown pedigree and assess the levels of representation of E. globulus natural variation in the Portuguese landrace.
Keywords: Eucalyptus globulus breeding; Portuguese landrace; amélioration génétique de l’Eucalyptus globulus; diversité génétique; genetic diversity; microsatellites; simple sequence repeats; variété de pays portugaise.