Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) account for approximately 50% of the total deaths in Turkey. Most of them are related with atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. Predictive value of endothelial dysfunction markers related with the earliest stage of atherosclerosis has been getting more attention. We hypothesized that differences in endothelial dysfunction biochemical markers among genders would aid to capture proatherogenic activity that was not diagnosed by conventional risk assessment scoring systems.
Methods: We assessed the endothelial dysfuntion markers in 92 Turkish adults who were in the »low CV risk group« according to ESC (European Society of Cardiology)-Score Risk Charts. We compared the males and females.
Results: We observed higher endothelial dysfunction rates in males, with higher median and mean levels of e-NOS, ox-LDL before and after adjustment for HDL lowness and obesity (P=0.018, P=0.036 for NOS; P=0.000, P=0.004 for ox-LDL, respectively). Men had higher hs-CRP levels than females before adjustment (P=0.021). Decreased e-NOS levels were related with FMD for females before adjustment for confounders (P=0.028). We also found significant correlation between e-NOS and ox-LDL levels both before (r=0.360, P<0.001) and after adjustment (r=0.366, P<0.01) for confounders which pointed out the nitrosative stress. In multivariate regression analyses, after adjusting for other endothelial dysfunction markers which were not included in the ESC-risk scoring system, decreased e-NOS levels were independently asssociated with impaired flow mediated dilatation for females (odds ratio 0.3; P=0.038).
Conclusions: Our results underline the importance of gender in evaluating endothelial dysfunction biochemical markers to assess cardiovascular risk for low CV risk indivuals.
Uvod: Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) odgovorne su za približno 50% ukupnog broja smrtnih slučajeva u Turskoj. Većina njih povezana je sa aterosklerotskom koronarnom bolešću srca. Sve više pažnje pridaje se prediktivnoj vrednosti markera endotelne disfunkcije koji su povezani s najranijim stupnjem ateroskleroze. Naša teza je da razlika u biohemijskim markerima endotelne disfunkcije između polova može pomoći da se otkrije proaterogena aktivnost koja nije dijagnostikovana uobičajenim sistemima za procenu rizika.
Metode: Odredili smo markere endotelne disfunkcije kod 92 odraslih Turaka koji su spadali u grupu sa »niskim rizikom od KVB« prema tabelama za bodovanje rizika Evropskog društva za kardiologiju (EDK). Uporedili smo muškarce i žene.
Rezultati: Uočili smo višu stopu endotelne disfunkcije kod muškaraca, sa višim medijanama i srednjim nivoima e-NOS, ox-LDL pre i posle prilagođavanja za nizak HDL i gojaznost (P=0,018, P=0,36 za NOS; P=0,000, P=0,004 za ox-LDL). Muškarci su imali više nivoe hs-CRP nego žene preprilagođ avanja (P=0,021). Sniženi nivoi e-NOS bili su povezanisa protokom uzrokovanom dilatacijom kod žena pre prilagođ avanjaza druge relevantne faktore (P=0,028). Takođe smo utvrdili postojanje značajne korelacije između e-NOS i ox-LDL nivoa kako pre (r=0,360, P<0,001) tako i posle prilagođavanja (r=0,366, P<0,01) za druge relevantne faktore, što je ukazalo na nitrozativni stres. U analizama multivarijantne regresije, posle prilagođavanja za druge markere endotelne disfunkcije koji nisu uključeni u sistem za bodovanje rizika EDK, sniženi nivo e-NOS bio je kod žena nezavisno povezan sa smanjenom dilatacijom uzrokovanom protokom (odnos mogućnosti 0,3; P=0,038).
Zaključak: Naši rezultati podržavaju važnost uloge pola u određivanju biohemijskih markera endotelne disfunkcije sa ciljem procene kardiovaskularnog rizika kod osoba sa niskim rizikom od KVB.
Keywords: endothelial dysfunction; flow mediated dilatation (FMD); gender; low cardiovascular (CV) risk; oxidized LDL (ox-LDL).