Background: Accidental intra-arterial drug injections usually occur as an iatrogenic complication but it is also found in drug abusers as a result of attempted intravenous (IV) injections. It is estimated that accidental intra-arterial injections are found in 1:3500-1:56000 patients visiting emergency department.
Methods: This was cross sectional study performed in cardiovascular department Lady reading Hospital Peshawar from 1.1.2013 to 31.8.2015. Accidental intra-arterial injection was defined as intravenous injection in upper limb for any illness which is followed by sudden severe pain in limb followed by bluish discoloration of any part of limb. Data was analysed using SPSS-20. Frequency and percentage were calculated for categorical variables like while Means±SD was calculated for numerical variables. Chi square test was used to compare Categorical variables.
Results: Total 30 patients were studied in whom 17 were male. Mean age of the study population was 43.2±17.9 years. All patients after admission were put on intravenous Heparin alone or in combination with Dexamethason, Beraprost and Nifedifin on discretion of visiting consultant. Injection diclofenac were found more frequently as cause of limb ischemia (43 %). Amputation of digits or part of limb was noted in 7 (23.1 %) cases.
Conclusions: Accidental intra-arterial injection can lead to limb ischemia and even limb loss so while injecting IV drugs, care should be taken to use venous site away from arterial sites.
Keywords: Diclofenac; Heparin; IM, ABI; IV; Intraarterial; Intramuscular.