Isolated Golgi membranes incubated in the presence of ATP and a cytosolic protein fraction form a population of coated buds or vesicles from the Golgi cisternae. The coats do not have the characteristic hexagonal-pentagonal basketwork of clathrin, and do not react with anti-clathrin polyclonal antibody. The conditions that produce these apparently nonclathrin-coated buds also reconstitute protein transport between compartments of the Golgi stack. The membrane of the buds contains the glycoprotein in transit through these Golgi stacks (VSV-encoded G protein). This suggests that protein transport through the Golgi stack is mediated by a new type of coated vesicle that does not contain clathrin. The concentration of G protein in the coated buds reflects the local concentration of G protein in the cisternae, raising the possibility that the Golgi coated vesicles may be "bulk" membrane carriers.