Objective: To investigate penis development in children and adolescents aged 0-16 years, and to plot the percentile curve for penis development in different age groups.
Methods: A total of 3 024 normal male neonates, children, and adolescents aged 0-16 years in Chongqing, China were selected by simple random sampling and stratified cluster sampling. The length and diameter of the penis were measured for all subjects. A descriptive statistical analysis was used to investigate the data characteristics of the penis, and the GAMLSS fitting model was used to plot the percentile curves of P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, and P97 and obtain percentile reference values.
Results: The length and diameter of the penis grew rapidly before the age of 1 year, grew relatively slowly from 1 to 11 years old, and entered a rapid growth period from 11 years old. The length of the penis was positively correlated with its diameter (r=0.961, P<0.01). The percentile reference values of penis length and diameter were obtained and the percentile curve was plotted.
Conclusions: The growth and development of penis length is consistent with that of penis diameter in male children and adolescents in Chongqing, and 0-1 year and 11-16 years are rapid growth periods of penis length and diameter. The percentile curve of penis length and diameter in children and adolescents aged 0-16 years in Chongqing which has been established will provide a reference for further studies on sexual development in children and adolescents.
目的: 研究0~16岁儿童青少年阴茎发育情况,绘制各年龄段阴茎发育情况的百分位数曲线。
方法: 通过简单随机抽样和分层整群抽样选取重庆地区3 024名0~16岁正常男性新生儿和儿童青少年为研究对象,对其进行阴茎长度和直径的测量。运用描述性统计学分析重庆地区儿童青少年阴茎的数据特点,采用广义可加模型(GAMLSS)拟合模型绘制P3、P10、P25、P50、P75、P90、P97的百分位数曲线图,获得其百分位数参考值。
结果: 阴茎长度和阴茎直径在1岁以前增长快速,1~11岁期间增长缓慢,11岁后又进入快速增长期。阴茎长度和直径呈正相关(r=0.961,P < 0.01)。获得了各年龄段阴茎长度和阴茎直径的各百分位数参考值,拟合了百分位数曲线。
结论: 重庆地区男性儿童青少年的阴茎长度和阴茎直径的生长发育过程一致,0~1岁和11~16岁这两个时期为阴茎长度和阴茎直径的快速增长期;并建立了重庆地区0~16岁儿童青少年阴茎长度和阴茎直径的百分位曲线图,为进一步研究儿童青少年性发育提供了参考数据。