From the beginning of oogenesis, oocytes accumulate tens of thousands of mRNAs for promoting oocyte growth and development. A large number of these mRNAs are translationally repressed and localized within the oocyte cytoplasm. Translational activation of these dormant mRNAs at specific sites and timings plays central roles in driving progression of the meiotic cell cycle, axis formation, mitotic cleavages, transcriptional initiation, and morphogenesis. Regulation of the localization and temporal translation of these mRNAs has been shown to rely on cis-acting elements in the mRNAs and trans-acting factors recognizing and binding to the elements. Recently, using model vertebrate zebrafish, localization itself and formation of physiological structures such as RNA granules have been shown to coordinate the accurate timings of translational activation of dormant mRNAs. This subcellular regulation of mRNAs is also utilized in other animals including mouse. In this chapter, we review fundamental roles of temporal regulation of mRNA translation in oogenesis and early development and then focus on the mechanisms of mRNA regulation in the oocyte cytoplasm by which the activation of dormant mRNAs at specific timings is achieved.