Acupuncture therapy for the treatment of intractable, idiopathic epilepsy in five dogs

Acupunct Electrother Res. 1987;12(1):71-4. doi: 10.3727/036012987816358931.


Five epileptic dogs, nonresponsive to high levels of anticonvulsants were presented to the acupuncture clinic at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania for treatment. Acupuncture was performed by placing small gold implants subcutaneously over the calvaria at acupuncture points on the Governing Vessel (GV), Gall Bladder (GB), and Bladder (B) meridians and left in place to provide constant stimulation to the points. Each of the five dogs treated showed a change in seizure patterns following gold implant placement. Two dogs had decreases in seizure frequency with their medication continued as before acupuncture, but they reverted to their previous pattern approximately five months after treatment. Three dogs continued to have decreased numbers of seizures and were maintained on decreased levels of anticonvulsants.

Publication types

  • Case Reports

MeSH terms

  • Acupuncture Therapy* / methods
  • Animals
  • Dog Diseases / therapy*
  • Dogs
  • Drug Implants
  • Epilepsy / therapy
  • Epilepsy / veterinary*
  • Female
  • Gold
  • Male


  • Drug Implants
  • Gold