Measuring stature is useful for forensic and anthropometrical sciences. The present study was con- ducted to calculate the stature from ulna length among Kurdish racial subgroup living in Iran. In this study, 50 females aged 19-24 were recruited. The ulna length of subjects was taken indepen- dently on left and right sides using a digital sliding caliper. The height was measured between vertex and floor. The height (Y) was also estimated by linear regression formulas from the length of right (X1) or left side ulna (X2). For right side, Y1 = 59.48 + 4.005 X1 ± 4.09295 (R=0.753); for left side, Y2 = 63.44 +3.887 X2 ± 4.24106 (R=0.731). The derived formulae are population specific and are designed for use in forensic and anthropometric skeletal analysis of Kurdish racial subgroup. These data provide a scientific basis for further investigations on racial subgroups living in Iran.