Blood Group Distribution in Switzerland - a Historical Comparison

Transfus Med Hemother. 2017 Aug;44(4):210-216. doi: 10.1159/000479191. Epub 2017 Jul 18.


Background: Ethnicities differ in prevalence of blood groups and antigens. Substantial donor-recipient mismatch within mixed-ethnic societies may render certain recipients at higher risk for alloimmunization. Data regarding antigen distribution within Switzerland by ethnicity is limited. We examined immigration patterns against the distribution of ABO blood groups using large cross-sectional Swiss samples spanning 70 years.

Methods: Historical ABO blood group distribution data (1940-1945) from Swiss army personnel (n = 275,664) were sourced from the literature. Recent blood group phenotypes of 122,925 individuals who presented themselves at army recruitment centers (2004-2015) were obtained, alongside a validation sample of 175,202 patients from a university hospital. Two-sample tests with z-statistics assessing blood groups between samples were used.

Results: The respective proportions of A (47.2% and 45.2%), B (8.4% and 9.8%), and AB (3.0 and 4.1) in the historical and recent army samples were significantly different (p < 0.001), while group O was not. Conclusion: ABO blood groups in Switzerland have remained stable despite substantial immigration with a changing foreign-national profile. Further research is needed to improve the understanding of antigen differences in newly introduced ethnic groups. Blood product requirements and public health initiatives aimed at recruiting blood donors would benefit from this information.

Keywords: Blood group; Ethnic minority; Rare blood types; Switzerland.