A 44-year-old male presented with a history of defective vision in the right eye for the past 5 months with the previous history of tubercular cervical lymphadenitis. On examination, right eye revealed panuveitis with dense vitritis and chorioretinitis in the superotemporal quadrant. His Mantoux test was positive (25 mm × 25 mm induration), QuantiFERON-TB Gold was test positive, aqueous aspirate was positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome, negative for viruses and toxoplasma, and hence he was initiated on four-drug antitubercular therapy (ATT) with oral steroids. On follow-up, he had worsening of vitritis and intravenous methylprednisolone was given suspecting paradoxical reaction to ATT; however, a repeat AC tap was positive for toxoplasma B1 genome, IgG antitoxoplasma antibody was also positive in serum and aqueous; hence, we switched to systemic antitoxoplasma therapy. He underwent a therapeutic vitrectomy along with intravitreal clindamycin and dexamethasone for persistent vitreous membranes and vitritis. The patient responded well to the treatment with a reduction in vitritis and scarring of the lesion.