Introduction: Ultrasonography (US) is a rapid, non-invasive and safe procedure that allows the nephrologist to obtain vital information to the bedside, as well as allows to guide the procedures for nephrology practice.
Case report: Male patient, elderly with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease presents with infraumbilical protrusion that the Point of Care US (POCUS), performed by the nephrologist, proved to be a large bladder with a diverticulum. In addition, the US enabled the nephrologist to diagnose bilateral hydronephrosis, preservation of the cortico-medullary differentiation and echotexture of the right kidney, post-voiding urinary retention, urinary catheter placement and functional and morphological monitoring of the urinary tract after surgical correction of the infravesical obstruction.
Conclusion: POCUS assessment of the renal tract may become the new standard of care among nephrologists by enabling the expansion of clinical information in a timely fashion, allowing faster resolution of cases and permitting the monitoring of the treatment done.