High-speed plasmonic modulator in a single metal layer

Science. 2017 Nov 3;358(6363):630-632. doi: 10.1126/science.aan5953.


Plasmonics provides a possible route to overcome both the speed limitations of electronics and the critical dimensions of photonics. We present an all-plasmonic 116-gigabits per second electro-optical modulator in which all the elements-the vertical grating couplers, splitters, polarization rotators, and active section with phase shifters-are included in a single metal layer. The device can be realized on any smooth substrate surface and operates with low energy consumption. Our results show that plasmonics is indeed a viable path to an ultracompact, highest-speed, and low-cost technology that might find many applications in a wide range of fields of sensing and communications because it is compatible with and can be placed on a wide variety of materials.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't