Commensal microbiota inhabit all the mucosal surfaces of the human body. It plays significant roles during homeostatic conditions, and perturbations in numbers and/or products are associated with several pathological disorders. Angiogenesis, the process of new vessel formation, promotes embryonic development and critically modulates several biological processes during adulthood. Indeed, deregulated angiogenesis can induce or augment several pathological conditions. Accumulating evidence has implicated the angiogenic process in various microbiota-associated human diseases. Herein, we critically review diseases that are regulated by microbiota and are affected by angiogenesis, aiming to provide a broad understanding of how angiogenesis is involved and how microbiota regulate angiogenesis in microbiota-associated human conditions.
Keywords: Angiogenesis; Cancer; Gastritis; IBD; Microbiota; Ulcer.