Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary immunodeficiency characterized by reduced immunoglobulin serum levels and absent or impaired antibody production. Clinical manifestations, including infections, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and malignancies, also involve various segments of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic diarrhea is one of the most common gastrointestinal symptoms and may cause a wide spectrum of potentially life-threatening conditions as malabsorption and protein-energy malnutrition. We describe three female CVID adult patients presenting with chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and protein-energy malnutrition due to different underlying conditions. Our review of the literature explores the various gastrointestinal involvements in CVID and points out several histopathological findings proper of the disease, thus highlighting the relevance of the endoscopic and histological assessment in CVID patients presenting with chronic diarrhea.
Keywords: Chronic diarrhea; celiac disease; common variable immunodeficiency; inflammatory bowel disease; intraepithelial lymphocytes.