Evaluation of the 129I Half-Life Value Through Analyses of Primitive Meteorites

JPS Conf Proc. 2017:14:011005. doi: 10.7566/JPSCP.14.011005. Epub 2016 Aug 10.


The preserved record of decay of now-extinct 129I into 129Xe forms the basis of the I-Xe chronometer. Comparison of the high precision I-Xe and Pb-Pb ages of chondrules and pure mineral phases separated from eight meteorites suggests the 17.5 ÷ 14.6 Ma range for the 129I half-life, assuming that the 235U and 238U half-lives are correct. The mean value of 16 Ma indicates that the 15.7 Ma half-life of 129I used here for the I-Xe age calculations is most probably correct. Since the 129I half-life value only affects the relative I-Xe ages, the few Ma relative to the Shallowater standard, the absolute I-Xe ages are almost immune to this uncertainty in the 129I half-life.

Keywords: 129I; I-Xe chronology; Pb-Pb chronology; half-life; primitive meteorites.