Reactive 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds (DCs) are generated from carbohydrates during food processing and storage and under physiological conditions. In the recent decades, much knowledge has been gained concerning the chemical formation pathways and the role of DCs in food and physiological systems. DCs are formed mainly by dehydration and redox reactions and have a strong impact on the palatability of food, because they participate in aroma and color formation. However, they are precursors of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), and cytotoxic effects of several DCs have been reported. The most abundant DCs in food are 3-deoxyglucosone, 3-deoxygalactosone, and glucosone, predominating over methylglyoxal, glyoxal, and 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene. The availability for absorption of individual DCs is influenced by the release from the food matrix during digestion and by their reactivity towards constituents of intestinal fluids. Some recent works suggest formation of DCs from dietary sugars after their absorption, and others indicate that certain food constituents may scavenge endogenously formed DCs. First works on the interplay between dietary DCs and diseases reveal an ambiguous role of the compounds. Cancer-promoting but also anticancer effects were ascribed to methylglyoxal. Further work is still needed to elucidate the reactions of DCs during intestinal digestion and pathophysiological effects of dietary DCs at doses taken up with food and in "real" food matrices in disease states such as diabetes, uremia, and cancer.
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