This article is based on a talk given at the International Balint Federation leadership congress in Warsaw (September 2016). It explores the conceptual foundations of Balint group leadership and starts by emphasizing the mutuality between psychoanalysts and medical practitioners working together. The parallel process between consulting room and group, and subsequently from group back to the consulting room, is delineated as the central construct in understanding the role of the leader. Having proposed a conceptual model for thinking about leadership interventions, the article discusses developments in some contemporary approaches to leadership: coleadership, the use of role play, psychodrama, pushback, and morale. It concludes by introducing Keats' notion of negative capability as a way of thinking about creativity in Balint group leadership.
Keywords: Balint group; coleadership; creativity; harmonious interpenetrating mix-up; leadership; morale; mutuality; negative capability; parallel process.