Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anaemia Type II in a Secundigravida

Cureus. 2017 Oct 31;9(10):e1811. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1811.


Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemias (CDAs) are very rare, heterogeneous hereditary red blood cell disorders characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, erythroblast morphological abnormalities, haemolysis, and hypoglycosylation of red-blood-cell membrane proteins and lipids. There are four types (I-IV) of the disease identified, and all of them are associated with abnormal maturation and division of erythroid precursors. We report the management of a rare case of CDA type II diagnosed in a 26-year-old pregnant woman.

Keywords: anisopoikilocytosis; congenital dyserythropoietic anemia; erythropoiesis; homozygous missense mutation; sec23b gene; splenomegaly.

Publication types

  • Case Reports