The temperature of the transition to the polar state in ferroelectric composites, representing spherical ferroelectric inclusions embedded in a dielectric matrix, under a depolarizing field effect is investigated. This temperature is determined both in the absence and presence of screening effects of the depolarizing field of the bound charges of spontaneous polarization at the inclusions surface. The absence case shows that the Curie point shift is determined by the ratio of the Curie constant of the ferroelectric inclusion to the permittivity of the matrix. Screening effects show that the transition temperature shift decreases through multiplying the value by a decreasing factor equal to the ratio of the screening length to the radius of the ferroelectric inclusion. Examples of the materials for the position of the Curie point on the temperature scale, largely determined by the tilting action of the depolarizing field and the compensating shielding effects, are given.
Keywords: dielectric properties; ferroelectric nanocomposites; phase transitions; smart materials.