A 3600Child-profile, with theoretically ordered, integral child-information visualized in one image, is designed by the Dutch preventive Child and Youth Health Care (CYHC). The introduction of this new data/information carrier gives an important incentive to enhance a transformation towards personalized health care for children and adolescents by supporting the complex medical thought process of CYHCmedical doctors (MD's). This information tool aims to effectively estimate child's functioning, detect emerging health problems and inform parents and caregivers. This pilot study evaluated aspects of inter- and intra-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the 3600Child-profile when used by MD's to estimate functioning and needed intervention of 4-year-old children. After the development process, in January 2015, 3600Child-profiles (n = 26) were assessed by MD's, in the Netherlands. Each MD assessed two Childprofiles twice and was matched to another MD receiving exactly the same two profiles. The paired scores and rater's scores of both time-points were compared. Rater's scores also were compared with the 26 reference tests scores. Reliability results showed Intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.71 and 0.82 (overall functioning), Cohen's kappa's between 0.61 and 0.80 (psychosocial functioning) and 0.46-0.47 (needed intervention). Validity results showed a Spearman's correlation coefficient of 0.78 (overall functioning), Cohen's kappa's of 0.43 and 0.77 (psychosocial functioning) and 0.52 (needed intervention). In conclusion, in some domains, acceptable results regarding reliability and validity are found for the visualization of integral childinformation used by CYHC-MD's to assess child-functioning after only a short training. The 3600Child-profile's value on tracking change in functioning and decision-making on intervention needs further exploration.
Keywords: Child care; Decision support techniques; International classification of functioning, disability and health; Preventive health services; Public health; Reliability and validity.