Discordance between sexual phenotype and the 46,XY sex chromosome complement may be found in certain disorders of sexual development (DSD). Many of these DSD patients with female external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics have undescended testes and male internal genitalia. Causative mutations involving genes of the sex determining pathway, including the androgen receptor, SRY and the 5-alpha-reductase genes, are well-known, but the origin of other cases remain unresolved. In this report, we introduce our collection of lymphoblastoid lines derived from female patients with a 46,XY karyotype. These cell lines have been deposited and registered with the JCRB Cell Bank. They are available for comparison with other DSD cases and for further characterization of genetic loci involved in the mammalian sex determining pathway.
Keywords: Disorder of sexual development; EB virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell line; Patient-derived cell resource; Sex determination; Sex reversal.