Background/aims: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a widely used method for long-term tube feeding. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients who utilized long-term feeding tube via PEG.
Methods: The medical records of 137 patients who underwent PEG tube insertion at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital between January 2002 and December 2013 were reviewed.
Results: PEG was indicated most frequently for cerebrovascular accidents (66 patients, 48.2%), followed by head and neck cancer (20 patients, 14.6%), and Parkinson's disease (10 patients, 7.3%). The tubes were endoscopically inserted in 133 patients (97.1%); 4 patients (2.9%) underwent radiologic intervention. The tubes of 90 patients (65.7%) were exchanged at least once during the follow- up period. At the first exchange, 71 patients (78.9%) had their tubes exchanged by endoscopy, 24 patients (16.7%) by manually, and 4 patients (4.4%) by radiologic intervention. Of the 61 patients (44.5%) who had their tubes exchanged twice, 44 patients (72.1%) changed their tubes by endoscopic exchange, 13 patients (21.3%) by manually, and 4 patients (4.4%) via radiologic intervention. The mean time interval between the initial insertion and the first exchange was 9.83±6.19 months, and that between the initial insertion and the second exchange was 10.7±6.25 months. Of all the 137 patients, acute complications at initial insertion occurred in only 18 patients (13.1%), with insertion site infection (9 patients, 6.6%) being the most common acute complication.
Conclusions: PEG appears to be a safe procedure for providing long-term tube feeding. Our results may help to develop strategies for further management of subjects receiving feeding tubes via PEG.
Keywords: Endoscopy; Enteral nutrition; Gastrostomy.