Ozone-therapy initially applied in medicine by an empirical approach, has now reached a new stage where most of the biological mechanisms of ozone action have been clarified, that refers to antimicrobial effects, immunoregulation, antioxidant defenses and epigenetic modification. Current ozone medical preparation in dermatology mainly classified as ozone hydrotherapy, ozonated oil externally used and ozone autohemotherapy (OAHT). Admittedly, ozone is widely used in various fields against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, viruses, and fungi. More recently, great progress has been obtained in wound healing which is a multiphase process that consists of three overlapping but distinct stages: inflammation, tissue proliferation and remodeling. While the exact mechanisms of ozone-therapy still remain unclear. Therefore, more evidence is required before ozone can be presented as a promising method for the management and prevention of various skin diseases. In this review, we review the application status of ozone in dermatology and summarize possible mechanisms of ozone-therapy on skin diseases, aims to shed a light on providing a series of theoretical basis for its applications.
Keywords: Antimicrobial; Antioxidant defenses; Epigenetic modification; Immunoregulation; Mechanism; Ozone-therapy; Skin diseases.
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