Micro - Focused Phototherapy Associated To Janus Kinase Inhibitor: A Promising Valid Therapeutic Option for Patients with Localized Vitiligo

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):46-48. doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2018.042. eCollection 2018 Jan 25.


Background: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary cutaneous disease, characterised by the progressive loss of melanocytes, resulting in hypopigmented skin areas which progressively become amelanotic. Classically, vitiligo treatments are unsatisfactory and challenging. Despite the continuous introduction of new therapies, phototherapy is still the mainstay for vitiligo repigmentation.

Aim: The aim of this multicenter observational retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the nb - UVB micro - phototherapy (BIOSKIN EVOLUTION®), used alone or in associations with an oral Janus kinase inhibitor (Tofacitinib citrate), in the treatment of stable or active forms of localised vitiligo.

Material and methods: Fifty eight patients had been treated with n-UVB micro-photootherapy (Group A); 9 patients had been treated with phototherapy plus Tofacitinb citrate (Group B).

Results: Among Group A, 42 patients (72%) obtained a re-pigmentation rate higher than 75%, with a medium value of 77%. 11 patients (19%) achieved a marked improvement of the clinical findings with a repigmentation rate between 50-75%; 4 patients (8%) showed a moderate response with a lesional repigmentation of 25-50%. Only one patient (1%) had a poor response to the phototherapeutic treatment.

Conclusion: Nb - UVB micro-focused phototherapy is one of the most effective therapeutic options for vitiligo treatment. The association of micro-focused phototherapy to Tofacitinib citrate seems to provide better clinical results in term of repigmentation rate.

Keywords: BIOSKIN EVOLUTION®; Janus kinase inhibitor; Micro – phototherapy; Repigmentation; Tofacitinib; Vitiligo.