Results of our study suggest that white Southern male homosexuals without clinical evidence of AIDS who patronize "gay bars" may have significant zinc deficiency and moderately depressed T-helper/T-suppressor cell ratios. No single causative factor could be identified to explain the significantly low zinc and elevated copper levels measured in whole blood, as well as the depressed OKT4/OKT8 cell ratios. Seventy-four percent of the homosexual male subjects were "recreational" drug abusers, 81% used inhalant nitrites routinely, and 41% routinely treated themselves with antibiotics. Eighty-one percent practiced active and/or passive penile-oral insertion, and 55.5% practiced both active and passive anal intercourse. Of the latter, 19% reported anal bleeding. Clinically inapparent, though statistically significant, borderline immunodeficiency and aberrant zinc and copper levels may be a consequence of multiple factors comprising the gay bar life-style.