The contents of total Se and of inorganic and organic Se species, as well as the contents of proteins, chlorophylls, carotenoids, and phenolic acids, were measured in 10-day old sprouts of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) obtained with increasing levels (15, 45, 135, and 405 mg Se L-1) of sodium selenite and sodium selenate and with distilled water as control. Increasing Se levels increased organic and inorganic Se contents of sprouts, as well as the content of phenolic acids, especially in their soluble conjugated forms. Moderate levels of sodium selenite (i.e., not higher that 45 mg L-1) appeared the best compromise to obtain high Se and phenolic acid yields together with high proportion of organic Se while limiting residual Se in the germination substrate waste. Se biofortification of rice sprouts appears a feasible and efficient way to promote Se and phenolic acid intake in human diet, with well-known health benefits.
Keywords: carotenoid; chlorophyll; phenolic acid; selenium species; sprout.