Visual familiarity with the variety of digital radiographic artifacts is needed to identify, resolve, or prevent image artifacts from creating issues with patient imaging. Because the mechanism for image creation is different between flat-panel detectors and computed radiography, the causes and appearances of some artifacts can be unique to these different modalities. Examples are provided of artifacts that were found on clinical images or during quality control testing with flat-panel detectors. The examples are meant to serve as learning tools for future identification and troubleshooting of artifacts and as a reminder for steps that can be taken for prevention. The examples of artifacts provided are classified according to their causal connection in the imaging chain, including an equipment defect as a result of an accident or mishandling, debris or gain calibration flaws, a problematic acquisition technique, signal transmission failures, and image processing issues. Specific artifacts include those that are due to flat-panel detector drops, backscatter, debris in the x-ray field during calibration, detector saturation or underexposure, or collimation detection errors, as well as a variety of artifacts that are processing induced. ©RSNA, 2018.