Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Muslim Women: Increasing Awareness to Improve Overall Evaluation and Treatment

Sex Med Rev. 2018 Oct;6(4):535-547. doi: 10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.02.006. Epub 2018 Apr 18.


Introduction: Muslim women are an increasingly underserved population in the United States and worldwide. Diagnosis and treatment of female sexual dysfunction bring unique challenges because of the conservative nature of those practicing the religion. Several cultural and religious codes of conduct affect sexual behavior and the dysfunction that can ensue.

Aim: To assess and describe the types of sexual dysfunction that have been found in Muslim women internationally and encourage a better understanding of their issues to enhance health care delivery.

Methods: A comprehensive review of the literature through Ovid and PubMed was performed in search of articles reviewing female sexual dysfunction, Muslim women, and Islam.

Main outcome measures: A brief explanation and review of the interpretations of sexuality within Islam are discussed. The link is made between conservative sexual relations and interpretations and the types of sexual dysfunction experienced. Female sexual dysfunction is explored in relation to how female chastity is extolled and how cultural procedures continue despite the ethical and health concerns related to them.

Results: Most Muslim women experience sexual dysfunction similar to other women, including arousal, desire, and orgasmic disorders related to organic and psychologic factors. Sexual pain disorders might be more prevalent in this population, particularly concerning unconsummated marriage. There are special concerns related to maintaining virginity and preserving the hymen until marriage. Female genital cutting, practiced by some Muslim countries, has potential sexual consequences.

Conclusion: Understanding Islamic views on sexuality and how they can affect sexual dysfunction in Muslim women is critical in opening lines of communication with patients and approaching female sexual dysfunction impartially. Although some issues that arise might introduce ethical dilemmas for the provider, having the cultural competence to address these issues will facilitate improved health care delivery. Rahman S. Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Muslim Women: Increasing Awareness to Improve Overall Evaluation and Treatment. Sex Med Rev 2018;6:535-547.

Keywords: Dyspareunia; Female Sexual Dysfunction; Hymenoplasty; Islam; Muslim Women; Vaginismus.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Dyspareunia
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Islam*
  • Sexual Behavior / ethnology
  • Sexual Behavior / psychology
  • Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological* / ethnology
  • Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological* / psychology
  • Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological* / therapy
  • Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological* / ethnology
  • Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological* / psychology
  • Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological* / therapy
  • Vaginismus