Various experiments have demonstrated that immune precipitates (IPs) are not solubilized by complement in the absence of alternative pathway function. To determine whether the characteristics of the IPs were responsible for these observations, we studied the solubilization (Sol) of IPs formed by bovine serum albumin (BSA)-rabbit antiBSA and tetanus toxoid (TT)-human antiTT. Sera deficient in properdin solubilized a fraction of BSA-antiBSA precipitates, although only when the IPs were formed in antibody excess. The same sera solubilized TT-antiTT precipitates with some delay but almost as efficiently as normal serum. Factor D-depleted serum solubilized a fraction of TT-antiTT precipitates too, indicating that Sol may proceed through activation of the classical pathway only. Thus, the requirements for complement-mediated Sol depend on the characteristics of the IPs and do not necessarily include alternative pathway function.