Sex on American Television: An Analysis Across Program Genres and Network Types

J Broadcast Electron Media. 2004;48(4):529-553. doi: 10.1207/s15506878jobem4804_1. Epub 2010 Jun 7.


As part of a larger study on television exposure, 1,276 shows from the 2001-2002 television season were coded for sexual content. Compared to previous research, this study sampled more networks targeted to adolescents and examined differences across additional program genres. A unique feature is the assessment of sexual content across network types. Three genres were distinguished by high percentages of shows with sexual behavior and talk and greater explicitness. This pattern characterized premium cable movie channels compared to broadcast and other cable networks. Few genres consistently offer programming that is free of sexual content during peak times for teen viewing.

Keywords: adolescents; content analysis; sex; television.