Purpose: Rotator cuff (RC) tears result not only in functional impairment but also in RC muscle atrophy, muscle fattening and eventually to muscle fibrosis. We hypothesized that allogenic bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and myocytes can be utilized to improve the rotator cuff muscle fattening and increase the atrophied muscle mass in a rat model.
Methods: The right supraspinatus (SSP) tendons of 105 inbred rats were detached and muscle fattening was provoked over 4 weeks; the left side remained untouched (control group). The animals (n = 25) of the output group were euthanized after 4 weeks for reference purposes. The SSP-tendon of one group (n = 16) was left unoperated to heal spontaneously. The SSP-tendons of the remaining 64 rats (4 groups with n = 16) were repaired with transosseous sutures. One group received a saline solution injection in the SSP muscle belly, two other groups received 5 × 106 allogenic myocytes and 5 × 106 allogenic MSC injections from donor rats, respectively, and one group received no additional treatment. After 4 weeks of healing, the supraspinatus muscle mass was compared quantitatively and histologically to all the treated groups and to the untreated contralateral side.
Results: In the end of the experiments at week 8, the myocyte and MCS treated groups showed a significantly higher muscle mass with 0.2322 g and 0.2257 g, respectively, in comparison to the output group (0.1911 g) at week 4 with p < 0.05. There was no statistical difference between the repaired, treated, or spontaneous healing groups at week 8. Supraspinatus muscle mass of all experimental groups of the right side was significantly lower compared to the untreated contralateral muscle mass.
Conclusion: This defect model shows that the injection of allogenic mycocytes and MSC in fatty infiltrated SSP muscles is better than no treatment and can partially improve the SSP muscle belly fattening. Nevertheless, a full restoration of the degenerated and fattened rotator cuff muscle to its original condition is not possible using myocytes and MSC in this model.
Keywords: Mesenchymal stem cells; Muscle atrophy; Myocytes; Regeneration; Rotator cuff; Tissue engineering.