Prognostic value of serum lipase levels in patients with small bowel obstruction

Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2018 Apr 10;31(3):276-279. doi: 10.1080/08998280.2018.1446637. eCollection 2018 Jul.


Elevated serum pancreatic enzymes have been described among patients with small bowel obstruction (SBO) initially misdiagnosed as having pancreatitis. We studied whether serum lipase elevation carries prognostic value in patients with SBO. Patients with SBO and at least one serum lipase level measured were included. Demographic, laboratory, and imaging information, as well as need for surgery or intensive care unit and mortality, were evaluated. Of 344 patients, 38 (11%) had elevated serum lipase levels. Patients with radiographic diagnosis of pancreatitis were excluded. Patients with elevated lipase had significantly higher levels of creatinine and lactic acid levels, length of stay, need for intensive care monitoring, and death than patients with normal lipase levels. The need for surgical intervention was not significantly different between the two groups. Logistic regression analysis showed elevated serum lipase and serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL as predictors for mortality. We conclude that, in SBO, elevated serum lipase is a risk factor for higher serum creatinine and lactate, use of intensive care unit, and mortality. The strength of this association justifies studying it prospectively.

Keywords: Lipase; pancreatic enzymes; small bowel obstruction.